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Produkt zum Begriff Hochschule:

  • Design, Hochschule, Wildpark, Zentral, Netflix
    Design, Hochschule, Wildpark, Zentral, Netflix

    Preis: 136 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Innovation Management and New Product Development
    Innovation Management and New Product Development

    Innovation Management and New Product Development by Trott is an established book on innovation management, management of technology, new product development and entrepreneurship. It provides an evidence-based approach to managing innovation in a wide range of contexts, including manufacturing, services, small to large organisations and the private and public sectors. The eBook keeps you abreast of the recent developments in the field of innovation and how the subject is being discussed in the wider business world through up-to-date examples, case studies, illustrations andimages in every chapter. Clear and informed coverage of the management processes of new product development, coupled with a practical orientation oftaking you through real-life challenges and dilemmas, makes it an essential textbook for MBA, MSc and advanced undergraduate courses. The full text downloaded to your computer   With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Apartment An Der Hochschule Mit Glasfaser 2324
    Apartment An Der Hochschule Mit Glasfaser 2324

    Preis: 137 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • 2nd Home Altengroden Am Klinkum - Jade Hochschule
    2nd Home Altengroden Am Klinkum - Jade Hochschule

    Preis: 190 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Welche Hochschule ist es, die entweder die Hochschule Rosenheim oder die Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt ist?

    Es handelt sich um zwei verschiedene Hochschulen. Die Hochschule Rosenheim ist eine Fachhochschule in Rosenheim, Bayern, während die Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt eine Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften in Ingolstadt, Bayern, ist.

  • Hochschule Fernstudium

    IUBH Internation...FernUnive... in HagenEuro-FH Europäisc...AKAD Bildungsg...Mehr Ergebnisse

  • Ist Hochschule Anrechnung?

    Ist Hochschule Anrechnung? Dies hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab, wie zum Beispiel dem jeweiligen Studiengang, der Hochschule und den individuellen Voraussetzungen des Studierenden. In einigen Fällen können bereits erbrachte Leistungen aus vorherigen Studiengängen oder Berufserfahrungen angerechnet werden, um die Studiendauer zu verkürzen. Es ist wichtig, sich frühzeitig über die Möglichkeiten der Anrechnung zu informieren und gegebenenfalls entsprechende Unterlagen vorzulegen. Letztendlich entscheidet die Hochschule über die Anrechenbarkeit von Leistungen.

  • Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einer Hochschule und einer Technischen Hochschule?

    Der Hauptunterschied zwischen einer Hochschule und einer Technischen Hochschule liegt in ihrem Schwerpunkt und ihrem Angebot an Studiengängen. Eine Hochschule bietet ein breites Spektrum an Studiengängen in verschiedenen Fachrichtungen an, während eine Technische Hochschule sich auf technische und ingenieurwissenschaftliche Studiengänge spezialisiert. Technische Hochschulen legen in der Regel einen stärkeren Fokus auf praxisorientierte Ausbildung und angewandte Forschung.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Hochschule:

  • Financial Analysis for HR Managers: Tools for Linking HR Strategy to Business Strategy
    Financial Analysis for HR Managers: Tools for Linking HR Strategy to Business Strategy

    HR leaders and practitioners: master the financial analysis skills you need to become true strategic business partners, gain an equal seat at the table, and get boardroom and CFO buy-in for your initiatives! In this one-of-a-kind book, Dr. Steven Director covers everything mid-to-senior-level HR professionals need to formulate, model, and evaluate their HR initiatives from a financial perspective. Drawing on his unsurpassed expertise working with HR executives, he walks through each crucial financial issue associated with strategic talent management, including quantifiable links between workforces and business value, cost-benefit analyses of HR and strategic financial initiatives, and specific issues related to total rewards programs, including stock, stock options, and pension costs. Unlike other finance books for non-financial managers, Financial Analysis for HR Managers focuses entirely on core HR issues. Director helps you answer questions such as: How do you model HR's financial role in corporate strategic initiatives such as the introduction of a new product line? How do you select bonus drivers to send the right signals to managers (and uncover suboptimal hidden signals you might be sending now)? How do you design compensation packages that are fully consistent with your goals? How do you identify and manage pension-finance costs and risks that can dramatically impact the long-term financial health of the business? HR leaders and aspiring leaders are under unprecedented pressure to provide credible, quantitative answers to questions like these. This is the one and only book that will help them do so.

    Preis: 19.25 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • VoIP Performance Management and Optimization
    VoIP Performance Management and Optimization

    VoIP Performance Management and Optimization A KPI-based approach to managing and optimizing VoIP networks   IP Communications   Adeel Ahmed, CCIE® No. 4574 Habib Madani Talal Siddiqui, CCIE No. 4280   VoIP Performance Management and Optimization is the first comprehensive, expert guide to managing, monitoring, troubleshooting, and optimizing large VoIP networks. Three leading Cisco VoIP experts bring together state-of-the-art techniques for ensuring that customer service level agreements (SLA) are consistently met or exceeded.   The authors begin by reviewing how VoIP is deployed in enterprise and service provider networks and the performance tradeoffs and challenges associated with each leading VoIP deployment model. Next, they present a comprehensive approach to diagnosing problems in VoIP networks using key performance indicators (KPI) and proactively addressing issues before they impact service.   In this book, you will find a proven tools-based strategy for gauging VoIP network health and maximizing performance and voice quality. You also will learn how to perform trend analysis and use the results for capacity planning and traffic engineering—thereby optimizing your networks for both the short- and long-term.   The authors all work in the Cisco Advanced Services Group.   Deploy, manage, monitor, and scale multivendor VoIP networks more effectively Integrate performance data from multiple VoIP network segments and service flows to effectively manage SLAs Use performance counters, call detail records, and call agent trace logs to gauge network health in real time Utilize dashboards to analyze and correlate VoIP metrics, analyze trends, and plan capacity Implement a layered approach to quickly isolate and troubleshoot both localized and systemic problems in VoIP networks Optimize performance in networks where the service provider owns the “last mile” connection Improve performance when VoIP is deployed over publicly shared infrastructure Manage performance in enterprise networks using both centralized and distributed call processing Plan media deployment for the best possible network performance Monitor trends, establish baselines, optimize existing resources, and identify emerging problems Understand and address common voice quality issues   This IP communications book is part of the Cisco Press® Networking Technology Series. IP communications titles from Cisco Press help networking professionals understand voice and IP telephony technologies, plan and design converged networks, and implement network solutions for increased productivity.   Category: Networking: Unified Communications Covers: Voice over IP Network Management  

    Preis: 43.86 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Logistics Management and Strategy
    Logistics Management and Strategy

    Deepen your understanding of logistics management and get a handle on real problems and solutions on the global scene. Logistics Management and Strategy: Competing Through the Supply Chain; 6th edition by Alan Harrison and Remko Van Hoek is an internationally appealing textbook which provides a comprehensive study and explanation of logistics solutions and Supply Chain Management with a clear European foundation. Ideal for MSc students, the text provides in-depth coverage of the most up-to-date topics, including the challenges of coordinating manufacturing and retail processes, a review of leveraging logistics operations, and future challenges in logistics. Key features of this edition include: Cases from all over the world, including places outside of Europe such as South Africa, China and Australia A focus on learning in line with the globalisation of logistics Consideration of modern problems and solutions to real-life logistics management issues This book provides all the necessary information to cultivate your understanding of logistics management at an international level, recommended to anyone studying for an MSc degree or open learning course.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Product Strategy and Management
    Product Strategy and Management

    From new product development to product elimination, this book holistically covers the entire product life cycle, including analysis of new product innovation strategy, new product ideas screening, product testing, managing growing and mature products, and product deletion. The nature and practice of these processes are central to the firm’s overall strategy for competitiveness, and this book repeatedly emphasises the fundamental relationship between the success of a product and the survival of the firm. Whether they are studying at undergraduate, postgraduate or MBA levels, students will find this book essential to their understanding of this important subject area. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • BWL Berlin Hochschule

    Hochschule für Wirtsch...IUBH Internation...ESMT BerlinHochschule für Techni...Mehr Ergebnisse

  • Ist Hochschule Studiengänge?

    Ist Hochschule Studiengänge? Eine Hochschule bietet in der Regel verschiedene Studiengänge an, in denen Studierende akademische Qualifikationen erwerben können. Diese Studiengänge umfassen Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge sowie möglicherweise auch Promotionsprogramme. Die Hochschule selbst ist jedoch die Bildungseinrichtung, an der diese Studiengänge angeboten werden. Sie stellt die Infrastruktur, das Lehrpersonal und die Ressourcen bereit, um den Studierenden eine qualitativ hochwertige Ausbildung zu ermöglichen. Letztendlich sind also die Studiengänge ein Teil des Angebots einer Hochschule, die es den Studierenden ermöglichen, sich in verschiedenen Fachrichtungen zu spezialisieren und akademische Abschlüsse zu erlangen.

  • Wie ist eine Hochschule aufgebaut?

    Eine Hochschule besteht in der Regel aus verschiedenen Fakultäten oder Fachbereichen, die jeweils bestimmte Studiengänge anbieten. Jede Fakultät wird von einem Dekan oder einer Dekanin geleitet. Innerhalb der Fakultäten gibt es Professoren, Dozenten und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter, die für die Lehre und Forschung zuständig sind. Die Studierenden sind in verschiedene Studiengänge eingeschrieben und absolvieren dort ihre Vorlesungen, Seminare und Prüfungen. Die Hochschule wird von einer Hochschulleitung geführt, die die strategischen Entscheidungen trifft und die Verwaltung der Hochschule koordiniert.

  • Ist ein Gymnasium eine Hochschule?

    Nein, ein Gymnasium ist keine Hochschule. Ein Gymnasium ist eine weiterführende Schule, die Schülerinnen und Schüler auf das Abitur vorbereitet. Eine Hochschule hingegen ist eine Bildungseinrichtung, die nach dem Abitur oder einer vergleichbaren Qualifikation besucht werden kann, um einen akademischen Abschluss zu erlangen. An einer Hochschule können verschiedene Studiengänge in unterschiedlichen Fachrichtungen belegt werden. Ein Gymnasium und eine Hochschule haben also unterschiedliche Bildungsziele und Zielgruppen.

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